Syllabus of MCA Program

(Last revised in ?)

Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester V Semester VI


Semester I

MCA101 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
MCA102 Probability and Statistics
MCA103 Computer Programming and Problem Solving
MCA104 Computer Organization
MCA105 Accounting and Financial Management
MCA106 Programming Laboratory

Semester II

MCA201 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MCA202 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
MCA203 Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
MCA204 Data Structures
MCA205 Microprocessor and Applications

Semester III

MCA301 Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques I
MCA302 Principles of Operating Systems
MCA303 Principles of Data Base Management Systems
MCA304 System Software
MCA305 System Analysis and Design

Semester IV

MCA401 Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques II
MCA402 Artificial Intelligence
MCA403 Industrial Management
Elective I
Elective II

MCA404 Principles of Compilers
MCA405 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
MCA406 Database Design
MCA407 Software Engineering
MCA408 Managerial Economics

Semester V

MCA501 Interactive Computer Graphics
MCA502 Computer Networks and Protocols
MCA503 Simulation and Modeling
Elective III
Elective IV
MCA509 Seminar

MCA504 Pattern Recognition
MCA505 Information Systems Design & Implementation
MCA506 Expert Systems
MCA507 Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems
MCA508 Computer Architecture

Semester VI

MCA 601 Project Work

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