College at a glance
Government Engineering College, Thrissur is one of the prestigious technical institutions in the state of Kerala, India. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Engineering and Computer Applications. The college is affiliated to University of Calicut and located about 5 kms away from Thrissur town, which is known as the cultural headquarters of state of Kerala.
The college offers BTech ( Bachelor of Technology ) programs in the following disciplines and admit about 430 students every year.
Diploma holders in Engineering are offered Part-Time BTech programs in the following disciplines and about 75 students are admitted every year.
The graduate program, MTech ( Master of Technology ), is offered in the following disciplines.
The college also offers MCA ( Masters of Computer Applications ) program and admits 30 students every year.
The college has well equipped laboratories, work shops, computer center, library and other facilities. To run the programs and to man the departments and facilities, the college utilizes the services of about 200 well qualified teachers, 80 specially trained workshop and laboratory technicians and about 100 administrative staff.
Facilities like staff quarters, dispensary, post-office, bank, cooperative store, college bus, etc are available to the students and staff of the college.There are four hostel blocks for men and two hostel blocks for women students with a capacity of 690 and 160 respectively. The hostels are under the direct control of warden. Messes are run on dividing system and there are separate vegetarian and non-vegetarian messes.
College Council
The College Council consists of the Principal, the Heads of Engineering Departments, the senior most non-engineering staff member, the Professor of Physical education and two elected members from the faculty. The Principal is the Ex-officio president of the council and the secretary is appointed by the council.
The general administration of the College is by the Principal subject to the control of the Director of Technical Education. However some of the general administrative work of the college may be distributed among the members of the College Council to be done under the general supervision of the Principal. The Council is empowered to consider and report on any question concerning accommodation, courses of instruction, or rules of discipline referred to it by the Principal. But it shall not interfere in any manner with the general administration of the College which is invested in the Principal.
All questions of promotion, term certificates, cases of misconduct on the part of students, scholarships, etc. will be dealt with by the Principal in consultation with the College Council.
The budget of the College shall be framed by the Principal in consultation
with the members of the Council.
Working Hours
I through IV Semesters Classes 8.30am to 3.30pm
V through VIII Semesters Classes 9.30am to 4.30pm
College office 9.30am to 4.30pm
College office (Part-Time) 2pm to 9pm
Library 10am to 5pm
Hostel office 9am to 4pm
College Co-operative Stores 9am to 4.30pm
Post office 9am to 5pm
State Bank of Travancore 10.30am to 1.30pm